梶浦典子オーダーを聞きにきてからの料理提供までが長い。食事は満足しましたが、終わってから珈琲をオーダーしようにも 店員さんが、厨房に気が行き、店内を見ることなく、オーダー出来ずに、諦めて支払いして帰りました...オーダーを聞きにきてからの料理提供までが長い。食事は満足しましたが、終わってから珈琲をオーダーしようにも
(Translated by Google)
It takes a long time from the time you take your order until the time the food is served. I was satisfied with the meal, but I didn't want to order coffee after finishing it.
The clerk was so distracted by the kitchen that he gave up, paid, and left without looking inside the store or ordering. -
1958 windパスタ美味しかったです。 また来たいと思います。 駐車場も広く、店内の雰囲気もよくてゆっくりできました。 (Translated by Google) The pasta was delicious. I would like to come again. There was a large...パスタ美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
The pasta was delicious.
I would like to come again.
There was a large parking lot, and the atmosphere inside was nice and relaxing. -
ひみ夫とランチで利用させてもらいました。 おしゃれな雰囲気です。 私はジェノベーゼのパスタを注文しました。生麺なのでモチモチ食感で野菜と生ハムがゴロゴロ入っていて 彩りもよく満足感もあります。フォカッチャ...夫とランチで利用させてもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
My husband and I used it for lunch.
It has a stylish atmosphere.
I ordered Genovese pasta. Since the noodles are raw, they have a chewy texture and are filled with vegetables and raw ham.
It's colorful and satisfying. The focaccia looked like it was handmade and was very delicious.
According to other people's reviews, there is no high chair for children.
As mentioned, there was a type that could be attached to a desk. There were many picture books available and a kids menu as well.
Next time I would like to use it for tea time. -
みさとねこ11時ランチ開始に訪店して、14時くらいまで、ゆっくり食事と会話を楽しみました。 周りもそんなお客様ばかりで、みんなくつろいで会話と食事を楽しまれていたようです。 ランチは、ドリンクとデザートが付いてい...11時ランチ開始に訪店して、14時くらいまで、ゆっくり食事と会話を楽しみました。
(Translated by Google)
We visited the restaurant for lunch at 11:00 a.m. and enjoyed the meal and conversation until around 2:00 p.m.
There were many other customers around, and everyone seemed to be relaxing and enjoying conversation and food.
Lunch includes a drink and dessert.
There is one clerk in the kitchen and one in the hall.
I thought this would be difficult, but there didn't seem to be any groups rushing to eat, so it was a leisurely time.
I think it's the best time for a cafe.
The hamburger was delicious. -
daisuke daisukeオリジナルのドリンクとアップルパイ美味しくいただきました。オシャレな店内でした。 (Translated by Google) The original drink and apple pie were delicious. It was a stylish store.オリジナルのドリンクとアップルパイ美味しくいただきました。オシャレな店内でした。
(Translated by Google)
The original drink and apple pie were delicious. It was a stylish store. -
Ayumi Fukuda料理の味や接客も良くて、友人と一緒に楽しくゆっくり過ごせました。 今度は家族で行きたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) The taste of the food and the customer service were good, and I had a fun a...料理の味や接客も良くて、友人と一緒に楽しくゆっくり過ごせました。
(Translated by Google)
The taste of the food and the customer service were good, and I had a fun and relaxing time with my friends.
I would like to go there with my family next time. -
山本郁子手作りフォカッチャにはちみつが付いているのが嬉しかったです。 座席がゆったりとしていてゆっくり食事ができました。ふわふわのスクランブルエッグも大きなベーコンも美味しく、サラダもたっぷりありました。オ...手作りフォカッチャにはちみつが付いているのが嬉しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I was happy that the homemade focaccia came with honey.
The seats were comfortable and I was able to eat slowly. The fluffy scrambled eggs and large pieces of bacon were delicious, and there was plenty of salad. There was also plenty of orange juice in a large glass.
Next time I'll visit you for lunch. -
くにえみ7月に、友達とランチ😋🍴💕 店内は広く、いい感じ(*•̀ᴗ•́*)👍なかなか、メニュー決めれなく友達と半分交換😅 (Translated by Google) Lunch with friends in July 😋🍴💕 The inside of the store is spacious and nice ...7月に、友達とランチ😋🍴💕
(Translated by Google)
Lunch with friends in July 😋🍴💕
The inside of the store is spacious and nice (*•̀ᴗ•́*)👍I couldn't decide on the menu so I swapped half with a friend😅 -
shinichi okazakiカフェはとても素敵な場所でした。店内はおしゃれで、落ち着いた雰囲気が広がっていました。スタッフも親切で、サービスも行き届いていました。またぜひ訪れたいと思います。おしゃれなカフェを探している方にお...カフェはとても素敵な場所でした。店内はおしゃれで、落ち着いた雰囲気が広がっていました。スタッフも親切で、サービスも行き届いていました。またぜひ訪れたいと思います。おしゃれなカフェを探している方におすすめです。
(Translated by Google)
The cafe was a very nice place. The interior of the store was stylish and had a calm atmosphere. The staff was kind and the service was attentive. I would definitely like to visit again. Recommended for those looking for a stylish cafe. -
たなたな(たなたな)2024.7に三田から移転されたようで店内も広く、ゆっくりできます。雰囲気もいいので、ちょっとお茶したいときや、ランチ時おすすめです。 (Translated by Google) It seems that it was relocated from Mita in ...2024.7に三田から移転されたようで店内も広く、ゆっくりできます。雰囲気もいいので、ちょっとお茶したいときや、ランチ時おすすめです。
(Translated by Google)
It seems that it was relocated from Mita in July 2024, and the inside of the store is spacious and you can relax. It has a nice atmosphere, so it's recommended if you want to have some tea or have lunch. -
いろいろいきたい初めてきました。お腹いっぱいになりました。料理が出てくるまで時間がかかります。お急ぎの方は、ちょっとしんどいかも。それ以外は、問題なし。かな。 (Translated by Google) It's my first time here. I'm f...初めてきました。お腹いっぱいになりました。料理が出てくるまで時間がかかります。お急ぎの方は、ちょっとしんどいかも。それ以外は、問題なし。かな。
(Translated by Google)
It's my first time here. I'm full. It takes a while for the food to come out. If you're in a hurry, it might be a little difficult. Other than that, there are no problems. kana. -
ny*。‹𝑳𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉・𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 、女性に喜ばれる過ごしやすいお店› 友達と一緒に来店してから、お気に入り店に。 ソファー席なので、ゆったり座れるから楽です🛋 ┈ ○𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑐ℎ:カジュアルな雰囲気。 ¥1000-1500程のお値段 1品料理+パ...‹𝑳𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉・𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 、女性に喜ばれる過ごしやすいお店›
(Translated by Google)
‹𝑳𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉・𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 An easy-to-spend shop that will please women›
Visit the store with friends and then go to your favorite store.
It's a sofa seat, so you can sit comfortably and it's comfortable 🛋
○𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑐ℎ: Casual atmosphere.
Price around ¥1000-1500
Petit buffet style with 1 dish + bread and drink
My personal favorite menu item is “Helle Steak”
⚫𝐷𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟: A single-pick dish is exquisite. Adult-like atmosphere
Price around ¥2000-3500
Mainly snacks with alcohol. You can adjust the amount you want to eat and also choose the alcohol, so even people who don't like alcohol can enjoy the delicious meal. (Soft drinks are of course ◎)
My personal favorite menu item is “Scallops/Nagaimo Karikari”
Number of seats → 3-5 seats on the first floor (chairs vary depending on the size of the desk)
Counter seats are unknown
(There is also a second floor. I don't know if it is used now)
*Please note that the entrance location is difficult to find*
Hint: There is a narrow staircase with 3-4 steps inside the long and narrow building.
Take the elevator to the floor number written on the signboard. -
清子ランチのパンとドリンクが食べ放題飲み放題がいいところです。車等で行く場合は駐車場がないので付近のコインパーキングに止めた方がいいです。 (Translated by Google) The best part is that you can enjoy al...ランチのパンとドリンクが食べ放題飲み放題がいいところです。車等で行く場合は駐車場がないので付近のコインパーキングに止めた方がいいです。
(Translated by Google)
The best part is that you can enjoy all-you-can-eat bread and drinks for lunch. If you are coming by car, there is no parking lot, so it is better to park at a nearby coin parking lot. -
太郎北区マスター1人で大変そうです。 料理の提供スピードはいまいちかな。 サンドウィッチの食べ放題はよかったかな (Translated by Google) It seems difficult to do it with just one master. The speed at which t...マスター1人で大変そうです。
(Translated by Google)
It seems difficult to do it with just one master.
The speed at which the food is served is not so good.
Was the all-you-can-eat sandwich good? -
としぼう料理は美味しかったですよ、だけど狭く仕切りが無いのでゆっくりと出来ません。 (Translated by Google) The food was delicious, but it was small and there were no partitions, so I couldn't eat it slowly.料理は美味しかったですよ、だけど狭く仕切りが無いのでゆっくりと出来ません。
(Translated by Google)
The food was delicious, but it was small and there were no partitions, so I couldn't eat it slowly. -
Kandy三田駅から徒歩5分程の所にお店があり ビルの5階部分。 初めての来店でしたが、店内はお洒落な雰囲気で三田の駅前にもこんな所があるんだなぁ~が最初の印象でした。 飲み物もたくさんの種類があり、飲み放題も...三田駅から徒歩5分程の所にお店があり
(Translated by Google)
The store is located about 5 minutes walk from Mita Station.
The 5th floor of the building.
It was my first time visiting the store, and the interior had a stylish atmosphere, and my first impression was that there was a place like this in front of Mita Station.
There are many types of drinks, and I like that they have all-you-can-drink options.
I'm happy that the food is delicious and the delivery is quick.
I visited on a weekday night, and the place was full with people who had made reservations.
There seems to be a second floor, so I wonder if there's enough seating? That's what I think.
As mentioned in other reviews, the height of the chairs and table did not match, so it was a little uncomfortable. -
masaki FUKUIパンとソフトドリンクが飲み食べ放題が魅力でとてもおいしかったですミラノ風ポークカツレツもとてもおいしかったです (Translated by Google) The all-you-can-drink bread and soft drinks were very deliciou...パンとソフトドリンクが飲み食べ放題が魅力でとてもおいしかったですミラノ風ポークカツレツもとてもおいしかったです
(Translated by Google)
The all-you-can-drink bread and soft drinks were very delicious.The Milanese-style pork cutlet was also very delicious. -
tsuyoshi sakamotoランチで訪問。ビルの5Fのため、あまり目立たない立地。内装は、落ち着いたいい雰囲気。ポークカツレツは美味。 (Translated by Google) Visited for lunch. It's on the 5th floor of a building, so it's not ...ランチで訪問。ビルの5Fのため、あまり目立たない立地。内装は、落ち着いたいい雰囲気。ポークカツレツは美味。
(Translated by Google)
Visited for lunch. It's on the 5th floor of a building, so it's not very noticeable. The interior has a relaxing atmosphere. Pork cutlets are delicious. -
赤瀬紘店内の雰囲気は女子ウケがよさそうだったが以下の点が気になりました。 まず、店内BGMがデカすぎる。会話が聞こえない。 椅子と机の高さが合っていない。机が低すぎる。全て皿を持ち上げて食べないといけない。姿...店内の雰囲気は女子ウケがよさそうだったが以下の点が気になりました。
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere inside the store seemed to be popular with girls, but I was concerned about the following points.
First of all, the in-store BGM is too loud. I can't hear the conversation.
The height of the chair and desk do not match. The desk is too low. I have to pick up my plate and eat everything. My posture is also painful.
Many of the bread buffets don't have names written on them, so I don't know what they are.
Salad was served, but the pickled vegetables were too sour to eat.
I ordered a main dish of chicken, but even though the chicken was large, I didn't have a knife, so it was difficult to eat. -
安田美子以前から気になっていたけど ビルの上で中々行きづらかった⭐お食事は○です。staff少なくて、メインメニューまでに時間要します‥なのでパン食べ過ぎちゃいました😀 (Translated by Google) I've been curious abou...以前から気になっていたけど
(Translated by Google)
I've been curious about it for a while now
It was difficult to get to the top of the building ⭐The meal is ○. We don't have a lot of staff, so it takes a while to prepare the main menu...so I ended up eating too much bread😀 -
Akiko Saito
康子原田孫の誕生日祝いをしました。お店の雰囲気もよく、ゆったり座れて、食事もどのお料理をとっても美味しかったです🎵 事前にサプライズでお店の方にケーキを頼んでもらい、当日ケーキ登場の時には電気を消してハッピ...孫の誕生日祝いをしました。お店の雰囲気もよく、ゆったり座れて、食事もどのお料理をとっても美味しかったです🎵
(Translated by Google)
We celebrated my grandson's birthday. The atmosphere of the restaurant was nice, you could sit comfortably, and all the food was delicious.
We had the staff order a cake for us as a surprise in advance, and when the cake arrived on the day, they turned off the lights and played Happy BIRTHDAY music, and other customers celebrated with us.
It's a wonderful shop. -
M NAKAMATSUドリンクとパンは食べ放題です。パンがとても美味しく、フレッシュジュースもランチも美味しくいただきました。 (Translated by Google) Drinks and bread are all you can eat. The bread was very delicious, ...ドリンクとパンは食べ放題です。パンがとても美味しく、フレッシュジュースもランチも美味しくいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
Drinks and bread are all you can eat. The bread was very delicious, and the fresh juice and lunch were also delicious. -
Chayne EllisIt is convenient, but the place is rundown and not so clean. Food is ?????? Food...It is convenient, but the place is rundown and not so clean. Food is ?????? Food...
56 loveお料理の内容も飲み物の種類も豊富♪ 2階席はソファーもあってゆっくり出来て♪ 専用駐車場はないけどお店の近くにコインパーキングがあるので車でも問題なし! ランチタイムのパンの食べ放題はお腹いっぱい食べれ...お料理の内容も飲み物の種類も豊富♪
(Translated by Google)
There is a wide variety of food and drinks available♪
There is a sofa on the second floor so you can relax♪
There is no private parking lot, but there is a coin parking lot near the store, so there is no problem if you drive!
The all-you-can-eat bread at lunchtime is a great deal as you can eat to your heart's content and it also comes with a drink bar! !
I think it's safe to make a reservation because it's popular! ! -
cディナーで利用させて頂きましたが、とても美味しく、値段もお手頃でした! (Translated by Google) I had it for dinner and it was very delicious and reasonably priced!ディナーで利用させて頂きましたが、とても美味しく、値段もお手頃でした!
(Translated by Google)
I had it for dinner and it was very delicious and reasonably priced! -
きんつば駅近のため駐車場の設置もなく(コインパーキングは所々に有)、三田市外からの来店はわずかに難がありますが、 ピザもハンバーグもステーキも非常に美味しかったです(ピザが熱すぎて驚いた)。 ラクレットチーズソ...駅近のため駐車場の設置もなく(コインパーキングは所々に有)、三田市外からの来店はわずかに難がありますが、
(Translated by Google)
Since it is near the station, there is no parking lot (coin parking is available in some places), so it may be a little difficult to visit from outside Sanda City.
The pizza, hamburger, and steak were all very delicious (I was surprised at how hot the pizza was).
Personally, the hamburger steak with raclette cheese sauce was a must-try.
The interior of the store was stylish and spread over two floors, but from my standpoint as a part-time worker, I thought it would be difficult to serve and clean up during busy times. -
ぴよぴよ定期的に行っているのですが、トリュフのカルボナーラは絶品です!雰囲気もインスタ映えしそうな感じでおしゃれです。 (Translated by Google) I go there regularly, and the truffle carbonara is exquisite! ...定期的に行っているのですが、トリュフのカルボナーラは絶品です!雰囲気もインスタ映えしそうな感じでおしゃれです。
(Translated by Google)
I go there regularly, and the truffle carbonara is exquisite! The atmosphere is stylish and Instagram-worthy. -
K. A.ディナーメニューのラクレットチーズハンバーグセットを注文しました. 飲み物、スープ、サラダ、パンorライス、メイン、デザートまでついて1850円はお得すぎます😳 どれも美味しくてボリューミーで大満足でした. ...ディナーメニューのラクレットチーズハンバーグセットを注文しました.
(Translated by Google)
I ordered the raclette cheese hamburger set from the dinner menu.
1850 yen is a great deal, including drink, soup, salad, bread or rice, main course, and dessert.
All of them were delicious, voluminous, and very satisfying.
The only disappointment was that the plates and spoons were slightly chipped and bent.
It's so wonderful that I don't have anything else to say 🌹 -
oyaji medamano
say-go tani
花折松慶妻に誘われていきました。 落ち着いた雰囲気の中で、ゆっくりと会話を楽しめる空間。特に二階席は人の動きも少なくセミプライベートを楽しめます。 ビュッフェもオシャレ感優先で女性に支持されている様です。...妻に誘われていきました。 落ち着いた雰囲気の中で、ゆっくりと会話を楽しめる空間。特に二階席は人の動きも少なくセミプライベートを楽しめます。 ビュッフェもオシャレ感優先で女性に支持されている様です。 食べ放題は男性でも満足出来る量と品数! かゆい所に手が届く店ですね。
(Translated by Google)
My wife invited me there. A space where you can enjoy leisurely conversations in a calm atmosphere. Especially on the second floor, there is less movement and you can enjoy semi-privacy. Buffets also seem to be popular with women who prioritize fashion. The all-you-can-eat menu has enough quantity and variety to satisfy even men! It's a restaurant where you can reach all your itchy spots. -
りなママとても雰囲気の良いお店で、料理もすごく良かったでさ (Translated by Google) The restaurant has a very nice atmosphere and the food was very good.とても雰囲気の良いお店で、料理もすごく良かったでさ
(Translated by Google)
The restaurant has a very nice atmosphere and the food was very good. -
shigehiro takagi
山本真右コジャレた❗感じの、雰囲気がいいお店‼️ (Translated by Google) A shop with a nice atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere! ️コジャレた❗感じの、雰囲気がいいお店‼️
(Translated by Google)
A shop with a nice atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere! ️ -
takuro asada
99 9団体で利用しました。 たくさん料理が出てきました。 ピザにビニールがついていました。 店員さんに言うと、さっとお皿を下げて、 丁寧に謝るわけでもなく、 ピザを新しく焼いて持ってきましょうかと 聞かれまし...団体で利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
Used by a group.
A lot of food came out.
There was plastic on the pizza.
When I told the staff, she quickly lowered the plate and said,
I don't apologize politely,
Shall I bake a new pizza and bring it to you?
I was asked,
There are already many dishes available
I couldn't seem to finish eating it, so
I declined your request.
No alternatives were proposed.
I don't want him to leave me alone or bring me extra food, but something doesn't make me feel refreshed. -
Yoshinori Ueno落ち着いた雰囲気の中で美味しいお酒と料理を堪能 (Translated by Google) Enjoy delicious drinks and food in a calm atmosphere落ち着いた雰囲気の中で美味しいお酒と料理を堪能
(Translated by Google)
Enjoy delicious drinks and food in a calm atmosphere -
さとうたかしうまいけど、価格がやや高い (Translated by Google) Good, but the price is a little highうまいけど、価格がやや高い
(Translated by Google)
Good, but the price is a little high -
moka eimo
Yuta Kawana三田とは思えない店。 (Translated by Google) A store that doesn't seem like it's Mita.三田とは思えない店。
(Translated by Google)
A store that doesn't seem like it's Mita. -
Heaven Brotherhood三田にしてはオリジナルのカクテル類が充実して珍しい感じです。週末は賑わっていました。入口がわかりにくいかもしれませんが、九丁目酒場の脇の路地側からエレベータで上がってください。 (Translated by Goog...三田にしてはオリジナルのカクテル類が充実して珍しい感じです。週末は賑わっていました。入口がわかりにくいかもしれませんが、九丁目酒場の脇の路地側からエレベータで上がってください。
(Translated by Google)
It's unusual for Mita to have so many original cocktails. It was busy on the weekends. The entrance may be difficult to find, but please take the elevator up from the alley next to the 9-chome bar. -
Macco Kanagawa
da otya
大野恭弘オシャレな空間で、美味しい食事! 最高でした〜! (Translated by Google) Delicious food in a stylish space! It was great!オシャレな空間で、美味しい食事!
(Translated by Google)
Delicious food in a stylish space!
It was great! -
Cuckoo Little
Sergii Aksonov
Kumi三田駅前のビルから郊外(山口町)へ移転されました ハンバーグが美味しくランチ・ハンバーガーはもちろんトーストやバゲットなと軽食あり、カフェ利用もgoodです (Translated by Google) Moved from the building...三田駅前のビルから郊外(山口町)へ移転されました
(Translated by Google)
Moved from the building in front of Mita Station to the suburbs (Yamaguchi Town)
The hamburgers are delicious, and in addition to hamburgers for lunch, there are also light meals such as toast and baguette, and the cafe is also good. -
CHR2階席はくつろげて良いのですが、日差しが眩しくて残念でした。 (Translated by Google) The seats on the second floor were nice and relaxing, but the sun was shining brightly, which was disappointing.2階席はくつろげて良いのですが、日差しが眩しくて残念でした。
(Translated by Google)
The seats on the second floor were nice and relaxing, but the sun was shining brightly, which was disappointing. -
食いだおレイジー9時半過ぎに食事に行ったので、お目当てのラクレットが売り切れていて残念でしたがお料理は美味しかったです。特に生パスタはもちもちだけど歯応えも残ってて、良かったですよー。チーズ料理が多いです。 (Trans...9時半過ぎに食事に行ったので、お目当てのラクレットが売り切れていて残念でしたがお料理は美味しかったです。特に生パスタはもちもちだけど歯応えも残ってて、良かったですよー。チーズ料理が多いです。
(Translated by Google)
I went to eat after 9:30, so I was disappointed that the raclette I was looking for was sold out, but the food was delicious. I especially liked the fresh pasta, which was chewy but still had some crunch. There are many cheese dishes. -
足立大輔店に行った際、大変混んでてコーヒー用のスプーンがないと。店員も少し態度が、、、💦💦 (Translated by Google) When I went to the store, it was so crowded that I didn't have a coffee spoon. The clerk als...店に行った際、大変混んでてコーヒー用のスプーンがないと。店員も少し態度が、、、💦💦
(Translated by Google)
When I went to the store, it was so crowded that I didn't have a coffee spoon. The clerk also has a little attitude...💦💦 -
かな西田料理も接客も完璧です! (Translated by Google) The food and customer service are perfect!料理も接客も完璧です!
(Translated by Google)
The food and customer service are perfect! -
Ito Toshiyuki
Mizue Ankh
mari iwasaki
Tomoya Oyama
*ぺけこの辺りでは珍しくオシャレなカフェ。夜になるとインスタ映えするお酒も飲めるし、パーティーなどの相談にも乗ってくれるようです。 ただし、人気店なので、予約をしないと入れないことも。 (Translated by Goo...この辺りでは珍しくオシャレなカフェ。夜になるとインスタ映えするお酒も飲めるし、パーティーなどの相談にも乗ってくれるようです。
(Translated by Google)
A stylish cafe that is rare in this area. At night, you can enjoy Instagram-worthy drinks, and they also seem to be happy to help with parties.
However, since it is a popular restaurant, you may not be able to enter unless you make a reservation. -
田中義信ランチのコストパフォーマンスが良くて サラダにハンバーグがボリュームあり 美味しいかったです (Translated by Google) Good value for money for lunch Salad and hamburger are voluminous It was deliciousランチのコストパフォーマンスが良くて
(Translated by Google)
Good value for money for lunch
Salad and hamburger are voluminous
It was delicious -
kan emi
Chris KeiVery nice place to hang out with friends and enjoy the time. Food is great and the drink selection is good. The pricing as well is totally fine 👍🏻Very nice place to hang out with friends and enjoy the time.
Food is great and the drink selection is good.
The pricing as well is totally fine 👍🏻 -
Motoko sAパスタランチ美味しかったです❗小鉢がたくさんあり、色々食べれてよかったです。ドリンクバーもあり、店内もおしゃれでした。 (Translated by Google) The pasta lunch was delicious❗There were a lot of small...パスタランチ美味しかったです❗小鉢がたくさんあり、色々食べれてよかったです。ドリンクバーもあり、店内もおしゃれでした。
(Translated by Google)
The pasta lunch was delicious❗There were a lot of small bowls, so I was able to eat a variety of things. There was also a drink bar, and the interior was stylish. -
梶原映月(e)量も良くて、雰囲気もめっちゃいい!! ドリンク飲み放題は嬉しい!!!! また行きたい!!! (Translated by Google) The quantity is good and the atmosphere is great! ! Enjoy all-you-can-drink drinks! ...量も良くて、雰囲気もめっちゃいい!!
(Translated by Google)
The quantity is good and the atmosphere is great! !
Enjoy all-you-can-drink drinks! ! ! !
I want to go again! ! ! -
masakazu kameiなかなかお洒落なお店です! ただ、お客さん放置笑 (Translated by Google) It's a very stylish shop! Just leave the customers alone lolなかなかお洒落なお店です!
(Translated by Google)
It's a very stylish shop!
Just leave the customers alone lol -
梅下千穂ランチのホワイトチーズソースのハンバーグ、美味しかったです。 ドリンク飲み放題で、ゆっくり出来ました (Translated by Google) The hamburger steak with white cheese sauce for lunch was delicious. With...ランチのホワイトチーズソースのハンバーグ、美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
The hamburger steak with white cheese sauce for lunch was delicious.
With all-you-can-drink drinks, I was able to relax. -
ai rai
青野俊介ランチメニューが11月20日から新しくなってますよ^ - ^ドリンクは自分で作れます^ - ^♫楽しめました✨ (Translated by Google) The lunch menu has been updated from November 20th ^ - ^ You can make your own...ランチメニューが11月20日から新しくなってますよ^ - ^ドリンクは自分で作れます^ - ^♫楽しめました✨
(Translated by Google)
The lunch menu has been updated from November 20th ^ - ^ You can make your own drinks ^ - ^♫ I enjoyed it ✨ -
yochiii !
原田幹也サイコー😃⤴⤴ (Translated by Google) Awesome😃⤴⤴サイコー😃⤴⤴
(Translated by Google)
Awesome😃⤴⤴ -
tama t
az riikお洒落なlunchがある。サラダは食べ放題です。 (Translated by Google) There is a stylish lunch. All you can eat salad.お洒落なlunchがある。サラダは食べ放題です。
(Translated by Google)
There is a stylish lunch. All you can eat salad. -
東田美紀ランチに訪れましたが、パンもサラダもドリンクも豊富でした (Translated by Google) I visited for lunch, and there was plenty of bread, salad, and drinks.ランチに訪れましたが、パンもサラダもドリンクも豊富でした
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch, and there was plenty of bread, salad, and drinks. -
Takahiro Nakamura
e-tsukoお値段手頃で少しづつ食べられて、ついつい長居してしまいます。 (Translated by Google) It's reasonably priced, you can eat small portions at a time, and you'll end up staying for a long time.お値段手頃で少しづつ食べられて、ついつい長居してしまいます。
(Translated by Google)
It's reasonably priced, you can eat small portions at a time, and you'll end up staying for a long time. -
MakaroNi最高でした。また行きたいです (Translated by Google) It was great. I want to go again最高でした。また行きたいです
(Translated by Google)
It was great. I want to go again -
おくるまさんパスタ美味しかったぁー! 桜エビのオイルパスタ🍝絶品です。 パンもついつい食べすぎてしまいましたぁ➰! (Translated by Google) The pasta was delicious! Sakura shrimp oil pasta 🍝 is exquisite. I ended u...パスタ美味しかったぁー!
(Translated by Google)
The pasta was delicious!
Sakura shrimp oil pasta 🍝 is exquisite.
I ended up eating too much bread➰! -
pro sugi安い。カクテル多め。まぁまぁおいしい。看板メニューがない? (Translated by Google) cheap. Lots of cocktails. Well, it's delicious. No signboard menu?安い。カクテル多め。まぁまぁおいしい。看板メニューがない?
(Translated by Google)
cheap. Lots of cocktails. Well, it's delicious. No signboard menu? -
s sugiyama
Kayoko Tatsumiとてもお洒落で良い雰囲気のお店です。 ランチはパンとドリンクがビュッフェ方式で、ついつい食べ過ぎてしまいます。 前菜5種盛はランチ全てに付いているし、メインもすごく美味しい ^ ^ ランチデザート5種盛りも...とてもお洒落で良い雰囲気のお店です。
前菜5種盛はランチ全てに付いているし、メインもすごく美味しい ^ ^
(Translated by Google)
It's a very stylish store with a nice atmosphere.
Lunch is a buffet style with bread and drinks, so it's easy to eat too much.
All lunches come with an assortment of 5 appetizers, and the main dishes are also very delicious ^ ^
The 5 types of lunch desserts were also very cute! ︎ -
Kazuki Inabaオシャレで、美味しい。お昼はビュッフェ形式で人気なので予約したほうがいいですよ! (Translated by Google) It's stylish and delicious. The lunch buffet is popular, so it's best to make a reservation!オシャレで、美味しい。お昼はビュッフェ形式で人気なので予約したほうがいいですよ!
(Translated by Google)
It's stylish and delicious. The lunch buffet is popular, so it's best to make a reservation! -
竹内仁とにかくオシャレ 値段も手頃! (Translated by Google) Stylish and reasonably priced!とにかくオシャレ 値段も手頃!
(Translated by Google)
Stylish and reasonably priced! -